OK Support system


OK Support System


OK support system is one-touch supporting system which can be assembled and dismantled with only a hammer.

1. Allowable bearing capacity is 6 tons.

2. Because the allowable bearing capacity per post is large, it is able to leave long spaces between posts and easy to secure working passages.

3. The special brace retains reliable horizontal force.

4. Assembling and dismantling with only a hammer.

5. The maximum weight of the post is 8.3 Kg, carrying is easy.

6. Because of the compact structure, it is easy to bring in or out from a small opening.

7. OK support system does not need new bridging battens of foot post, horizontal collar braces and large brace struts, it is able to reduce the man-hours of assembling and dismantling substantially.

8. The number of parts is small and the packing style is compact. It is easy to arrange them in the job site and not require so much storage space.


Adjustable jack joint

Retaining pin for post Base jack

Brace strut

Horizontal collar brace

One-touch system

Case example

House construction Building construction